Infinity symbol Preloader

Hey there 👋🏻, I am

Divine Anum

I do magic on the web.

As a creative frontend engineer, I aim to leave you awestruck with my expertly crafted and visually stunning work.

Get to know me

About Me

I'm a highly skilled and creative frontend engineer based in Accra, Ghana. My programming journey started in 2018 with C++ and later python. Although C++ helped me create a solid foundation in programming, I really loved the flexibility and simplicity of Python.

I built desktop apps with Python using PyQt5 and eventually discoverd ElectronJS which was used to build two of my favorite apps, Discord 💙 and VSCode. Learning that Electron was a framework which required some knowledge in Javascript, I created a road map to help me get there.

Long story short, that road map included learning web technologies like HTML, CSS, React etc. and that's how I'm a frontend engineer today. My goal is still to be a desktop app developer, but thanks to Javascript, I can build apps for all platforms: mobile, web and desktop 🤯.

Divine Anum's portrait

My tech stack

  • Python

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • Bootstrap

  • Sass

  • Styled


  • Javascript

  • ReactJS

  • NodeJS

  • MongoDB

  • MySQL

  • VSCode


What I've Built

Featured Project

Aldin Cycles website

Developed a cleanly designed landing page and CMS for Ghana's first bike-sharing company, featuring rich product images and simple, straightforward instructions for using the bikes.

  • Remix
  • Sass
  • GSAP
  • Sanity CMS

Featured Project

Daniel and Shah website

Crafted a visually striking website for Daniel and Shah, to establish a strong digital presence in the domains of web3, crypto, and fintech and share their insights with the community.

  • React
  • Styled components
  • GSAP
  • Strapi CMS

Featured Project

We africans united website

Developed a visually appealing website for We Africans United to showcase the rich cultural heritage and narratives of the African continent and its diaspora to the Italian community.

  • React
  • Styled components
  • GSAP
  • Webflow CMS

Other Projects

I don't limit myself to frontend alone, no! I leverage on any tool that can help me solve problems and do pretty cool stuff.

Folder GitHub

Whatsapp bot

A whatsapp bot/personal assistant created for '22 final year students of the University of Ghana to make their academic lives easier. Affectionately called, "Ethereal".

  • Node
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose
Folder GitHub

Web project setup script

Automation script to setup my workflow for starting frontend projects.

  • Javascript
  • Node
  • Nutjs
  • Shell

Loop studios landing page

Landing page concept for a virtual reality company. This was a challenge I took to help level up my skills on Frontend mentor.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript

Sunnyside agency landing page

Landing page for a creative agency that grows brands. Another challenge by Frontend Mentor.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript

Huddle landing page

A quick Frontend Mentor challenge I took to get familiar with Styled Components which I absolutely recommend to everyone.

  • React
  • Styled components

CHR mart

Early frontend project inspired by a Pinterest design. E-commerce landing page concept with impressive aesthetics, though lacking extensive features.

  • HTML
  • Scss
  • Javascript
See all projects

Reach out

Let's work together

So you've seen my work and are intrigued. You are definitely down for business, or you just want to know how I'm able to piece all this magical pieces together. My inbox is always open, let's connect!

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